
Showing posts from May, 2019

Holidaying with little ones

Holidaying with children under a certain age can be a difficult task for any parents but I’ve compiled a list of little hints an tips    by no means is this the right way but I’d thought I’d share our experiences. Our two are nearly 3 & nearly 1! So the airport is a nightmare even our eldest said so herself (which made me laugh- travelling with two bambino’s is 100 x more stressful than just the one) Anyway we got extra baggage allowance to check in - therefore not taking extra hand luggage well that was the plan) We still had a double pram, baby carrier, my hand bag, Lee’s “man bag” and Doll’s backpack - which she obviously didn’t want to carry. So after the carry on of getting 2 out of the 3 bags, Lee & Doll searched an drug swabbed we were all set to get to the nearest bar!!  Two pints of your finest please barmaid! Drink them quickly as both babies will not want to sit for long also feed them in the airport, and get snacks an butties from boots before hand be