
Showing posts from September, 2020

Mum’s mental load

So this ‘mums’ mental load that I have been reading about the past few months. I thought I’d write a few things down an see if it’s relatable to any other mamas?  A little snapshot of my story I’ve recently become a mother of three and I have a hugely supportive husband & family, this in no way is belittling him, our supportive family or other dads/ partners. I’m just stating facts, it’s a role we take on as we become mothers! Now I waited a long time to bring my babies home, I can’t stress enough that I love being a mother! An I don’t really mind this “mental load” I just don’t think it’s talked about enough!  So I don’t know weather or not this has been impacted by lockdown - actually on reflection it has during lockdown you also became responsible for not only home life with your child but all of the other aspects of school life including educational needs, social needs & the need for peers (you an their siblings were probably the only friends your children were seeing)! So

Holidaying with three small children

As I sit here writing this on the plane home    (on page 10 of my holiday book on the way home - that really says it all doesn’t it) I’m suburnt because creaming my strech mark ridden mum tum is no longer my priority, my top button on my jeans is undone due to excessive amount of treats    (to be fair they only touched where the fitted when I flew out anyway) I’ve had 5 hours sleep oh and the downloads on Netflix has expired .... So be prepared for a relaxing holl ... hahaha no let’s all laugh, parents of three or more we know that’s not a possibility... Lee & I love a little risk obviously as we’ve got 3 under 5 ... so going away mid COVID didn’t bother us! Actually if anyone is thinking about going away definitely do! It’s much quieter (the flights were great a row each to ourselves).  The pools, bars, water parks ect where lovely people were socially distanced it was actually a pleasure! (But of course still stressful going away with three small children). I’m going to share som