
Showing posts from December, 2018

CMPA Christmas

A cows milk protein allergy Christmas I loved dairy before we went dairy free it made up about 60% of my diet! So being dairy free was challenging. Now Christmas is upon us an I was dreading it all the delicious treats I would not be able to eat! But fear not I have a few tips to help CMPA sufferers through the festive period. We had our Christmas early so I have complied a list of things that are good substitutes ( I say good because it’s never going to be the same as the real thing). Also things to avoid during the festive period. Christmas dinner  Starter I made tomato soup to start, that way we could all eat it and I may my own bread rolls (tomato soup & rolls recipe is in my highlights on Instagram - but it you don’t want to make rolls you can always buy half baked dinner rolls from Morrison’s you just pop them in the oven for 10 mins the are delicious I have also tried them and they are dairy & soy free). Parma ham and melon is also a nice easy