
Showing posts from April, 2019

National neonatal mental health week

National neonatal mental health week I am a mum to three our first baby was very poorly and unfortunately died we now have two more little ones but I still think about those 12 days on the neonatal unit and yes it definitely impacted on mental health. I am also a neonatal nurse which is my passion since having my first baby. I just wanted share my experience on both sides of the coin.  I have nursed neonates all over the north west for the last three and a half years being part of many babies different journeys. Watching parents as they go to hell and back but also being there for many tears of joy. I do feel very privileged to do the job I do sharing moments that are so raw with emotion. You see neonatal units are different to any other ward to me it feels like walking into a womb! With a comforting smell (usually freshly washed sheets and toast). Weather your stay is short or long it affects you!  When most    families see the two little pink lines on the pregnan